2351 Delaware Avenue
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Action Page for North Park Library
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Rendering of proposed development
- Your pressure worked! On January 28, the City's Preservation Board recommended local landmark status for The North Park Library. It's now in the Common Council's hands. We'll let you know when a hearing is scheduled.
- Update, May 11,2016: The Common Council DENIED local landmark status for this building.
Action Talking Points
- The site contains some of the only green space on Hertel Avenue - a reprieve from cars and traffic.
- The site is the only corner at Hertel and Delaware without strip malls and parking lots.
- It's a beautiful 1925 structure with a lot of reuse potential.
Action Steps
Attend the Community Conversation.Attend the Preservation Board meeting.- Contact Delaware District Councilmember Joel Feroleto, opposing demolition and supporting local landmark designation for 2351 Delaware Avenue:
- Contact your Councilmember, because local landmark designations require Council approval. Instructions here: Common Council Contact Page. Alert them to the expected landmark designation and urge them to support it when it comes up for a vote. You can also, of course, contact all the Councilmembers.
- Sign a petition: Save The North Park Library
- Share this page on social media by clicking on this link or the green link above.