68 And 72 Sycamore Street
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Action Page for 68 & 72 Sycamore Street
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68 And 72 Sycamore Street
Action Steps
- Attend the hearing in Buffalo Common Council on April 25, 2pm. Stay tuned to this page for more specific information.
- Attend the hearing in Buffalo Housing Court on April 27. Stay tuned to this page for more specific information.
- Contact Ellicott District Councilmember and Buffalo Common Council President Darius Pridgen, opposing demolition of these two buildings, supporting local landmark designation and supporting a demolition moratorium for the Michigan Historic Corridor and 68 And 72 Sycamore Street:
- Contact your Councilmember, because local landmark designations require Council approval. Instructions here: Common Council Contact Page. Alert them to the expected landmark designation and urge them to support it when it comes up for a vote. You can also, of course, contact all the Councilmembers.
- Ask your Councilmember to oppose demolition of these two buildings, support local landmark designation and support a demolition moratorium for the Michigan Historic Corridor and 68 And 72 Sycamore Street:
- Share this page on social media by clicking on this link or the green link above.
- Help with legal expenses by donating to Preservation Buffalo Niagara's Advocacy Fund - click here to go to donation page.
Action Talking Points
- We oppose demolition of 68 and 72 Sycamore.
- We support local landmark designation.
- We support a demolition moratorium for the Michigan Historic Corridor.
- 68 and 72 Sycamore may be the oldest buildings downtown, and some of the very few pre-civil war buildings downtown.
- 68 Sycamore was built in 1844, 72 Sycamore in 1849.
- They are eloquent of the pre-Civil War city that fugitive slaves would have seen when they arrived here on their journey to freedom.
- They are important, irreplaceable components of the Michigan Historic Corridor and current African-American historic neighborhood.
- Local landmark designation is the best avenue to preventing demolition and ultimately saving and rehabilitating these buildings.
- An attempt should be made to properly evaluate their potential for reuse.
- An unbiased engineering opinion needs to be presented and considered at a public hearing.
- Demolition, partial or whole, is not the solution for parapet degradation. This type of building decay can be repaired without destruction or damage to the building.
- The buildings' owner, Nancy Singh, was permitted to demolish the fire-damaged Royal Pheasant Building despite cooperation from City government for reusing the building and several viable purchase offers. Permitting her to do this again is unwise.
- Preservation Buffalo Niagara, 3-8-2017: "Council President Pridgen has confirmed today that he will support this landmarking application - your calls have made a big impact! Thanks to everyone who made calls. We will keep you posted on upcoming actions."
- The organizers of the proposed Michigan-Sycamore Historic District stated on March 4: The owner of the two story building in this picture - 68 Sycamore - has applied for a demolition permit for this property (despite also having it listed for sale). We believe that these properties should be covered by the demolition moratorium covering Michigan Avenue, and will be working closely with our colleagues at the Michigan Street African American American Cultural Heritage Corridor to ensure that no demolition permits are issued at this site. If you want to help: please call Buffalo Common Council President Darius G. Pridgen at 851-4980. Tell him that as one of the last remaining pre-Civil War buildings in Downtown Buffalo, we cannot afford to lose these buildings. Ask that he work closely with Preservation Buffalo Niagara on their plans to create a local historic district as well as identify responsible new owners for the four vacant properties in this proposed district.
- Both buildings are located in Buffalo Common Council President Darius Pridgen's Ellicott Council District.
- Read PBN's local historic landmark nomination here (650kb PDF).
- Success! Demolition was denied by the Preservation Board.
- Success! Board voted unanimously on March 23 to landmark the two buildings.
- RISK! Owner Nancy Singh has requested permission to do "partial demolition".