St. Rose of Lima School


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Photo credit: The Buffalo News



  • Pam's Properties LLC.

Physical Description

26,000 sq.ft. three story brick school building

Current Condition

  • An adaptive reuse, apartments.


Recent Events and Actions Taken

  • 2007 - St. Rose of Lima school closes, although its church remains open (as of 2015).
  • March 2, 2015 - 'Architect Karl Frizlen estimates it will cost about $4 million to renovate St. Rose of Lima School' Buffalo Business First
  • March 24, 2015 - 'Buffalo city planners approved renovation plans for a historic church school building by Frizlen. The plan would convert the school into 21 market-rate apartments. The St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church and the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo own the entire block, so plans call for purchasing the building from them and carving out 22 parking spaces in back from the existing church parking area. The building, as a historic landmark, is eligible for state and federal historic tax credits, so the exterior of the building will largely remain as is.' The Buffalo News
  • As of August 2024, the building is The School Lofts, an adaptive reuse as an apartment building.

Other Pertinent Facts

  • Landmark status pending


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Added 2024-08-26 • Last changed 2024-08-26