118 South Park Avenue
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118 South Park Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14203
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Fillmore Council District
SBL: 122.05-4-3
Erie County Property Info
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Next to: 110 South Park Avenue and Cobblestone Bar
Darryl Carr
(716) 848-1930
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Carr also owns 110 South Park Avenue and Cobblestone Bar
Physical Description
Ornate cast-iron pilasters with capitals reminiscent of the Corinthian order frame the front entry. The nine windows of the South Park frontage feature stone sills and segmental arch heads, the arch masonry being a double course of headers. The cornice is corbelled. Buffalo Rising
Current Condition
Boarded up but not properly secured from the elements. As of 2011, Carr was under judge's order to make repairs or face jail time.
- 1858 - Brown & McCutcheon was established in the building where they may have shared space with George Mugridge's bakery
- 1889 - Brown retires and rented the premises to Queen City Metal Company
- 1898 - Rented by Crumlish Forge Co., makers of small stationary and portable smiths' forges.
- 1902 - Rented by James A. Duggan and Thomas Paul, both blacksmiths.
- 1909 - Rented by William V. Bush, another blacksmith
- 1921 - Purchased by Bush
- 1937 - Bush enlarged the facilities in 1937 by constructing a steel-frame, metal-clad addition still standing immediately to the north of the original building.
- During World War II, Bush's shop turned out parts for diesel engines.
- 1954 - Ed Rudnicki began his blacksmithing business in 1954 and owned the building from until 2001
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- 2001 - Darryl Carr purchased the building in 2001 for $150,000
- 2010 - Carr sells building to himself as EQUITY TRUST CO/PARK AVENUE ESTATES LLC for $1
- 2011 - At least two developers have tried to purchase and redevelop the buildings. Developers Sam Savarino and Roger Trettel had Silvestri Architects prepare a rendering showing what the buildings could be. Carr has ignored their interest.
- May 2011 - Erie County Court Judge Michael L. D'Amico overturned the demolition order of Buffalo City Court Judge Henry J. Nowak's authorization of an emergency demolition of the building in August 2010
- Oct 2011 - Housing Court Judge Patrick Carney said the building must be fixed in two weeks or the owner, Darryl Carr, will be jailed.
- February 2014 - Cobblestone Historic District, previously just a local designation, becomes certified and obtains access to state/national historic tax credits based on application completed by Preservation Studios for the owners of Iron Works: Sam Savarino, Roger Trettel, Ed Plata, and Dan Mania
- February 2015 - Darryl Carr is in Housing Court Thursday February 5, 9am (Judge Carney).
- From Preservation Buffalo Niagara (PBN), March 9, 2020: PBN was proud to stand in housing court today with Councilmember Mitchell Nowakowski and business and building owners of the Cobblestone Historic District to tell Judge Carney that enough is enough and building owners who engage in demolition by neglect practices need to be held accountable through jail time, substantial fines, and ultimately loss of property. City Inspections immediately asked for a three week adjournment, during which the owner is supposed to put up a $100,000 escrow account toward stabilization, and submit plans to the City. New hearing will be April 9th. We were disappointed that more aggressive action wasn’t taken today, but will keep members posted as to next steps.
Other Pertinent Facts
- One of the earliest brass manufacturers in Buffalo. It had been in continuous use for various types of small scale metalworking for over 140 years.
- Located in the Cobblestone Historic District
- Facebook - Forgotten Buffalo - Cobblestone District
- Views of Buffalo, February 2014 - Cobblestone Historic District Officially Certified
- Buffalo Rising, January 2011 - Preservation Redy 110-120 South Park
- Buffalo Rising, March 2011 - Different Vision For Blacksmith Shop's Reuse
- Buffalo Rising, May 2011 - Court To Consider Demo Tomorrow
- Buffalo Rising, May 2011 - Demo Blocked For Now
- Buffalo Rising, October 2011 - Judge Orders Carr To Fix Or Go To Jail
- Buffalo Rising, July 2013 - Proposal for Decks at Cobblestone Bar Tabled
- Buffalo Rising, February 2, 2015 - The People vs. Darryl Carr
- Buffalo Rising, February 2015 - Update: Court Orders Repairs at 110 South Park Avenue
- Buffalo Rising, May 2016 - Wrecking Buffalo: Cobblestone Buildings Crumble
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Added 2013-02-26 • Last changed 2020-03-09