Ray Matty's / Nowak Amvets Post
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1210 Broadway Street Buffalo, NY 14212
Parcel includes parking lot at 1200 Broadway
Google Bird's Eye View
Fillmore Council District
SBL: 112.22-1-30
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Next to: 1204 Broadway
Across from: Burnham's Furniture and A. Nowak and Son
RICHARDSON MARICA per propertyviewer
Previously JACKSON MICHAEL R in 2013
Physical Description
- 16,284 sq.ft. two story brick corner building. It has a sprinkler system, new roof, and on-site parking in the rear (Broadway Fillmore Alive).
Current Condition
- It appears to be in good shape. In 2010 it became a barbershop and a game zone for kids. In 2015, their website link is broken.
- The facade has been heavily modified and could use renovation. The exterior brick has been painted, the first floor facade was modified at some point, and small glass block windows have replaced the larger original openings on the second floor.
- Classic Tavern
- Ray Matty's Wrestling Gym
- "Ray Matty took control of operations of Matty's Tavern and Gym in 1933 from his father Joe who opened the establishment in 1919"
- Nowak Amvets Post
- Per Ray Matty's Gym on facebook: "Ray Matty's was 1206, 1208 was Matty's Restaurant, 1210 upstairs the Hank Nowak Post, and lower right 1214 Broadway was the House Of Lamps."
- Banquets and More
- Game Time & Groom Zone
Recent Events and Actions Taken
Other Pertinent Facts
- 2012 - "Our objective is simply to provide a new outlet for our youth to engage in the activity they like the most. We will use that opportunity as a vehicle to implement the concept of “Entertain to Educate.”" For information on their "Adult Mentoring Program or if you would like to “Sponsor a Child,” please call 716.939-3149." (Progression Unlimited)
- Forgotten Buffalo - Broadway Preservation Corridor
- Facebook - Ray Mattys Gym
- Broadway Fillmore Alive, June 2008 - Want to buy the Nowak Post?
- Broadway Fillmore Alive, April 2010 - New Life for Nowak Post
- Buffalo News, January 2013 - Gaming and grooming shop aims to empower young men
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Added 2013-01-23 • Last changed 2016-01-12