1291 Main Street


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1291  Main Street
1291 Main Street
1291  Main Street

Demolition, September 7, 2024
Photo credit: Google Street View

1291 Main Street, Buffalo NY 14209


  • Health Sciences Charter School

Physical Description

  • Two story commercial building.

Current Condition

  • Vacant.


Recent Events and Actions Taken

  • Health Sciences Charter School has owned the building since 2013.
  • They've applied for a permit to demolish the building. From the application: "This structure is non-contributing, not landmarked and cannot be occupied due to its deteriorating condition. Although purchased with the hope that it could be used on an interim basis for educational purposes while planning to eventually convert and enlarge the building for a new gymnasium/wellness complex, the costs of meeting state education code for student use proved to be prohibitive. The building is in poor condition and a drain on the school’s limited resources. The school is currently in the planning process to secure funding for a new gymnasium and community wellness center. While we continue our planning process and begin fundraising efforts, the vacant land will be utilized as a community garden and properly screened from Main Street. The community garden will be created in partnership with Home Beneath Our Feet and resulting crops will be made available to our immediate neighbors in the Masten and Ellicott Districts."

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Added 2024-07-25 • Last changed 2024-09-07