August Beck & Sons Building
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140 Genesee Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
Google Bird's Eye View
Ellicott Council District
SBL: 111.39-7-1
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
A 4.2 acre city block has now been combined into a single parcel
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
5 story brick commercial building on a corner parcel
Current Condition
Demolished, likely during the 1960's urban renewal program that flattened Elm and Oak street. The intention was to create a ring road of thruways (partially constructed) to isolate downtown from the surrounding neighborhoods, and attract suburban development that would build less dense blocks. This entire city block remained an empty field for many decades before becoming the parking garage and parking lot for Catholic Health, along with their six-story office building in the corner of the parcel.
1896 - August Beck & Sons - Meat Cutters
Recent Events and Actions Taken
2013 - Construction began for Catholic Health building, garage and parking lot.
Other Pertinent Facts
- Facebook: Buffalo History Gazette - Genesee/Elm N.W. Corner 1896
- Buffalo Rising - Construction Watch: Catholic Health HQ
- Buffalo Rising - Catholic Health Seeks Additional On-Site Parking
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Added 2013-07-18 • Last changed 2014-08-20