1660 Niagara Street
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1660 Niagara Street

Photo credit: Frits Abell, Sean Brodfuehrer, BN Riverkeeper
1660 Niagara Street, Buffalo NY 14207
North Council District
SBL Number: 88.58-4-8
Erie County Property Info
Google Bird's Eye View
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
BNRLT 1660 NIAGARA LLC (BN Riverkeeper and WNY Land Trust)
Physical Description
- Narrow parcel between Niagara Street and a dead-end remnant of Scajaquada Creek, just north of the Belt Line railroad.
- Buildings on the parcel include seven conjoined structures, in poor condition.
- A brownfield site.
Current Condition
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- The property was acquired by Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper and the WNY Land Trust.
- Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper intends to demolish the structures and create a waterside park.
- Buffalo Rising: "A decision was made to create a waterfront park in an area of the city that does not have much quality waterfront access. A condemned building (sitting on brownfield land) located at 1660 Niagara Street turned out to be the perfect location for just such a park. A press conference was held earlier today to highlight the long overlooked property. Once developed, the access point will enable kayakers to reach Scajaquada Creek, Black Rock Canal and the Niagara River."
Other Pertinent Facts
Newest Pages
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Added 2015-09-29 • Last changed 2015-09-30