Public School 46
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(:htmlend:)Photo credit: Karl Josker
175 Edward Street, Buffalo, NY 14201
Also known as 389 Virginia Street
SBL: 111.21-5-1
Fillmore Council District
Google Bird's Eye View
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
- City of Buffalo Board of Education
Physical Description
- Brick school building.
Current Condition
- In use as a public school.
- Built 1888 and designed by H.H. Little. The oldest continually operating public school in Buffalo.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- Designated a local historic landmark on 2008-09-02.
- Listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Other Pertinent Facts
- Buffalo Schools homepage
- Wikipedia - Buffalo Public Schools
- Vintage Buffalo NY - 1900s Schools
- Karl Josker - The Schools of Buffalo
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Added 2015-01-23 • Last changed 2018-12-27