American Buffalo Robe Company / Marcon Erectors
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Photo credit: Blackrock Historic Resource Study
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1 Howell Street, Buffalo, NY 14207
SBL: 88.36-2-6
North Council District
Google Bird's Eye View
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
GIAMBRONE DOUGLAS per City of Buffalo Property Information
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
Two story brick industrial complex with parapet on front facade. "Features prominent penthouse/tower which rises an additional story above the building. 1-story addition at north and east of building."Blackrock Historic Resource Study
Current Condition
Likely in use. Many "arched window voids now largely infilled or replaced" Blackrock Historic Resource Study. Previous oil spill on site remediated.
- 1895 - Built for the American Buffalo Robe Company. The company once made lap robes for use in carriages and early automobiles Blackrock Historic Resource Study
- 1971 - B. Hoffman Roofers, Inc. purchased building from Ashland Oil Company. Ashland had used the site as a home heating oil distribution facility.
- 1980 - Giambrone purchased the property from B. Hoffman Roofers, Inc. Giambrone leased the property to respondent Marcon Erectors, where he is president and CEO. Marcon Erectors is a custom aluminum window and door installation company.
- 1985 - The City of Buffalo contacted Giambrone concerning a 25,000-gallon vertical tank on site, and the effect it had on the Scajaquada bike trail adjacent to the property. Giambrone decided to have the tank walls cut down. As a result of the removal of tank walls, a black sludge about two feet deep that had collected in the bottom of the tank was now exposed to the environment.
- September 1995 - DEC staff first inspected the facility after receiving a spill complaint and found an area contaminated with spilled petroleum product.
- September 1997 - Giambrone hired Safety-Kleen to perform tank clean-up work, but not to clean up any spillage around the tanks. They were not cleaned to regulatory standards.
- October 1997 - The testing also revealed that the sludge contained cleaning solvents known or suspected as carcinogens.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- 2001 - The Commissioner imposed a civil penalty of $135,000 for the violations. It was later reduced to $109,500 because of mistakes made by Safety-Kleen that were not Giambrone's fault.
- January 2001 - The DEC hired contractors to undertake an emergency removal action to remove the ASTs and PCB-contaminated soil located in the containment area.
- February 2001 - The PCB removal work was completed at a cost to the State of over $200,000 plus approximately $50,000 to $100,000 in sampling, analytical, and personal service costs.
- April 2002 - DEC began negotiations with Ashland Oil for the investigation and remediation of the petroleum contamination
- November 2006 - Ashland commenced cleanup of the site
- May 2007 - Ashland completed the cleanup as a cost of $4,000,000 for its investigation and remediation of the property.
- April 2022 - a developer is proposing to demolish and "redevelop the site".
- April 2022 - A meeting is being held Monday, April 25, 2022, at 6:00 PM to discuss the situation, in the church hall at Assumption Church.
Other Pertinent Facts
- Listed as a contributing resource on the 2010 Blackrock Historic Resource study
- Buffalo Rising, April 2022 - Wrecking Buffalo? Meeting tonight on the fate of one of Black Rock’s most historic buildings
- BuffaloAH - 2010 Blackrock Historic Resource Study
- NY DEC - 2010 environmental case regarding oil spillage/cleanup
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Added 2017-08-23 • Last changed 2022-04-25