2018 Main Street, Niagara Falls NY 14305
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(:htmlend:)Photo credit: PBN
2018 Main Street, Niagara Falls NY 14305
- Lat, Long: 43.1073473,-79.0562114
- Blue Cardinal
Physical Description
- Three story, five bay brick commercial building.
Current Condition
- Vacant, boarded.
- Constructed in 1908 as the L.S. Silberberg Building
- Listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2020 as part of the Main Street Historic District.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- November 7, 2022, Advocacy Alert from PBN: We’ve just heard from our friends in Niagara Falls that the City is pursuing the demolition of 2018 Main Street. Constructed in 1908 as the L.S. Silberberg Building, the building was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 2020 as part of the Main Street Historic District. While 2018 Main Street has been vacant for some time and exhibits significant condition issues, it is by no means beyond repair. The loss of this building would be detrimental to Main Street (a street that has already lost so much historic fabric) risking structural damage to the neighboring structures, and potentially jeopardize the redevelopment of this block and street that property owner Blue Cardinal is currently working on. WE NEED YOUR HELP! The City of Niagara Falls does not need any more unnecessary demolitions, so we need you, anyone who has an interest to vacate this demolition order to show up THIS MONDAY November 7th at 9am in the office of the Department of Code Enforcement.
Other Pertinent Facts
Newest Pages
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■ 2018 Main Street, Niagara Falls NY 14305
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Added 2022-11-07 • Last changed 2022-11-07