Glenny / Dennis / Stanton Building
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251 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
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Fillmore Council District
SBL: 111.70-1-8
Erie County Property Info
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Next to: 259 Main Street and the Roblin Building
MAIN SENECA CORP per City of Buffalo Property Information
Search NYS Corporation Database for MAIN SENECA CORP
Physical Description
Five story, 44,200 sq.ft. brick building with iron facade
Current Condition
In use as 36 apartments with first floor retail. The only building left in Buffalo with a complete iron facade. Cornice has been restored.
- Built 1873
- 1973 - After they moved across the street to their new tower, Marine Midland Bank put 233 Main Street and 241 Main Street up for sale together for $5 million.
- 1976 - The bank sold the two mostly empty buildings for $2.2 million as part of a larger deal involving an office tower on Park Avenue in Manhattan.
- The buyer was more interested in the Manhattan building, and sold the two Buffalo buildings to investors from the Bronx for a much lower price. The assessment and taxes were much higher than the investors expected, so they sold the buildings to long-time owner David Sweet for $500,000.
- Then Marine Midland ran out of room in the tower and leased a floor in its old building at 233 Main Street , followed by more floors in that building and also in 241 Main Street . Sweet then bought the old bookstore building at 251 Main Street , and the bank leased the entire structure.
courtesy The Buffalo News
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- May 2, 2014 - The Buffalo News reports that this and four other buildings owned by David Sweet are for sale
- May 29, 2014 - The Buffalo News reports that all 5 buildings are under contract for purchase. Potential new owner not named.
- October 2014 - According to Business First, Kolkmeyer hopes to renovate the Stanton Building into 36 market-rate apartments.
- Kolkmeyer will also be moving his offices from Amherst into the building's first floor.
- February 2015 - 'The City Planning Board backed the redevelopment plan for 36 apartments and a single 1,700-square-foot first-floor office suite to house Kolkmeyer’s real estate firm, Priam Enterprises LLC, which will relocate from Williamsville. The plan includes installing 54 new windows on the blank north side of the building. Asbestos abatement and internal demolition is scheduled to begin over the next six weeks.' Buffalo News
Other Pertinent Facts
- Located in the Joseph Ellicott Historical District
- BuffaloAH - Glenny Building / Dennis Building / Stanton Building
- BuffaloAH - Joseph Ellicott Preservation District
- Buffalo News May 2014 - Rand, four other buildings for sale downtown
- Buffalo News May 2014 - Rand, 4 other downtown buildings under contract to be sold
- Business First, October 2014 - Kolkmeyer-Sweet downtown property deal to close Friday
- Buffalo News, February 2015 - Buffalo Planning Board approves lower Main Street apartment project
- Buffalo Rising, June 2016 - The Glenny Brings New Life to Main Street
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Added 2013-09-06 • Last changed 2016-06-17