Shoreline Apartments
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Shoreline Apartments

May 18, 2015, photo by David Torke

Before, photo by David Torke


Photo credits: David Torke, Chris Schmidt; Kelvin Dickinson; LOC
270 Niagara Street, Buffalo NY 14201
Five buildings in the Shoreline Apartment Complex: 145 & 165 Seventh Street, & 250, 260, 270 Niagara Street. City parcel database identifies only 270 Niagara Street. These buildings appear to be at the northern end of the parcel, south of Carolina Street between Busti and Niagara.
Fillmore Council District
SBL Number: 110.12-1-16
Erie County Property Info
Google Bird's Eye View
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Buffalo Waterfront Home Site Two Inc., c/o Norstar Property Management Corp..
Physical Description
- Low-rise apartment complex, designed by Paul Rudolph.
- 472 units on 9.5 acres, completed in 1972.
Current Condition
- Nearly vacant and slated for demolition.
- This large public housing project was built on land resulting from massive "urban renewal" demolition. This part of the City was once a dense, thriving community, predominantly Italian-American.
- See Lower West Side.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- At 5/8/2014 meeting of Buffalo's Preservation Board, a request was made to consider demolition: "270 Niagara St. (Waterfront Apartments Phase I). DEMOLITION: of 5 buildings in the Shoreline Apartment Complex, AKA 145 & 165 Seventh Street, & 250, 260, 270 Niagara Street. Application received 4/28/2014. (Linda Goodman to appear @ 5/8/2014 03:00 PM 901 City Hall)"
- Action taken by Preservation Board on this request: "TABLED: To allow the board time to review the entire application package."
- May 8, 2015 "Fence went up today around the 5 vacant Shoreline Apartments buildings that are slated for demolition. Asbestos removal starts on Monday [5/11/2015]".
- May 18, 2015 - Demolition begins.
- May 2016 - Via a commenter at Buffalo Rising: "I know some people who live in that section of (Paul Rudolph-designed) Shoreline units that run along Niagara St. They went to a well attended meeting last week that was held by Norstar. They were told at the meeting that phase 2 of the demolition of the remaining 16 buildings and the construction of more new units is being planned now. As of November 1st, the over 100 apartments that are still occupied in the remaining occupied buildings along Niagara St, will have to be vacated."
Other Pertinent Facts
- Architect's Newspaper, November 2013: "Five Paul Rudolph Buildings Under Threat in Buffalo
- Buffalo Rising, October 2014 - "Redevelopment of Shoreline Apartment Complex Nearing Start"
Newest Pages
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Added 2014-05-28 • Last changed 2018-12-03