2 Girard Place
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2 Girard Place, Buffalo, NY 14211
SBL: 100.60-1-60
Ellicott Council District
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Erie County Property Info
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City of Buffalo per City of Buffalo Property Information
Physical Description
2.5 story Queen-Anne style wood framed house
Current Condition
Demolished, despite appearing structurally sound. Vacant lot.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- March 2005 - Demolition by neglect noticed by fixBuffalo
- May 2005 - Basement left exposed. Housing Court issues Order To Vacate.
- July 2005 - Rear door left open.
- August 2, 2005 - Buffalo Housing Court Case #868/2005
- October 2005 - Reported by Judge Novak to have been offered at City auction with no takers
- February 2006 - Listed owner Cedric Walker of Atlanta claims that somebody fraudulently deeded the property to him
- 2007 - 'Fillmore Leroy Area Residents, Inc. (FLARE, Inc.) was to acquire the building and renovate as a single family home if a previously interested buyer was still willing to purchase this property when rehabilitation is completed. Mayor Brown praised this project noting that the Girard location is an eyesore in its present state. Ms. Yvonne McCray from FLARE gave a brief overview of the project. She added that through the CHDO funding, FLARE has been able to assist smaller groups and she thanked the Board for their support.' fixBuffalo
- April 1, 2007 - Transfer property to FLARE
- August 28, 2007 - Funding Contract not completed as of 08/28/07
- Per fixBuffalo: "The Mayor reportedly was considering a press event at 2 Girard prior to the demolition and was advised not to"
- December 26, 2008 - Demolished
Other Pertinent Facts
- fixBuffalo March 2005 - Property of the Weak...#1
- fixBuffalo May 2005 - Property of the Weak
- fixBuffalo July 2005 - Going, Going...
- fixBuffalo November 2005 - Housing Court...Follow-Up
- fixBuffalo February 2006 - Time Is Up...Gone!
- fixBuffalo November 2006 - 2 Girard - Last Time...
- fixBuffalo May 2007 - Say What?
- fixBuffalo September 2007 - Saved!
- fixBuffalo January 2009 - There is No Plan
- HotBuffalo - Loss of an Icon – 2 Girard Place
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Added 2014-02-13 • Last changed 2014-05-29