Fire House Engine No. 2 / Hook & Ladder No. 9
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310 Jersey Street, Buffalo, NY 14201
Also known as 306 Jersey Street
SBL: 99.76-1-6
Niagara Council District
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Erie County Property Info
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PROJECT X HOLDINGS LLC per City of Buffalo Property Information
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
Three story 12,400sq.ft. brick Second Empire-styled fire house, on a corner parcel
Current Condition
Minus alterations to the doors, it looks fairly original.
- December 14, 1875 - Grand opening of Fire House Engine No. 2 / Hook & Ladder No. 9, built on land donated to the city by William G. Fargo.
- Designed by Cyrus K. Porter and George Watkins
- (Buffalo News)Constructed in 1875, the L shaped brick building features a mansard roof in the Second Empire style of architecture, and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2011. A hook-and-ladder bay was added in 1897, and the 12,300-squarefoot building was rebuilt in 1917 after suffering severe damage from a fire.
- 1890s - Expanded by architectural firm Eckel and Ackerman. Expansion emulated its original design.
- 1997 - It was home to Engine House No. 2 and Hook and Ladder No. 9 until it was decommissioned in 1997.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- October 2014: Jim Fink of Business First reports: "Steven Weiss, partner in Cannon Heyman & Weiss, confirmed that he and his partners bought the former Engine Hose No. 2/Hook & Ladder No. 9 firehouse at 310 Jersey St. According to documents filed in the Erie County Clerk’s office, Weiss’ group, 310 Jersey Street LLC, paid $325,000 for the three-story, 14,000-square-foot building, buying it from Ted Constantine III."
- According to Buffalo Rising, the group plans to convert the 'upper floors into 11-12 apartments, while creating a restaurant space on the first floor.'
- August 2015 - Steve Weiss confirmed that his firm is no longer looking to move into the building, and are looking to partner with a business that could use retail space in the building.
- 2016 - Neighborhood was placed in the National Register of Historic Places as the Fargo Estate Historic District
- February 2017 - An investment group named Project X Holdings LLC purchased the property for $435,000 from 310 JERSEY STREET LLC
- February 2018 - Project X Holdings wants an adaptive reuse permit to operate a brewery/restaurant and outdoor dining patio in a 2R zoning district. Anne Dafchik is the architect/agent representing the group. Area block clubs are organizing opposition. Buffalo Rising
- June 2018 - The Buffalo Planning Board Monday voted to 'recommend a denial by the Council of a 74-seat restaurant and brewery on the ground floor and a combination of co-working and community space upstairs. That was a reduction from their original plan for a 129-seat eatery, in response to community opposition.' Buffalo News
Other Pertinent Facts
- Located in the Fargo Estate Historic District
- Wikipedia - Fargo Estate Historic District
- PRS - Buffalo Fire Houses
- Buffalonian - THE EARLY HISTORY of the BUFFALO FIRE DEPARTMENT (to 1884)*
- Wikipedia - Buffalo Fire Department
- City of Buffalo - Fire House Locations
- Vintage Buffalo NY - Historic Fire Houses
- Karl Josker - The Firehouses of Buffalo
- Buffalo Rising, October 2014 - Jersey Firehouse Readies for Apartments and Restaurant
- Business First, October 2014 - West Side firehouse to be renovated by law firm partners
- Buffalo Rising, August 2015 - The Future of the Jersey Firehouse
- Buffalo Rising, July 2016 - A bold vision for Jersey Firehouse
- Buffalo Rising, February 2018 - Sound the Alarm: Brewery Planned for Historic Firehouse
- Buffalo News, June 2018 - Planning Board rejects Jersey Street firehouse brewery, restaurant
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Added 2014-06-16 • Last changed 2018-07-18