362 Broadway
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March 2016

March 2016

May 2016

August 2017
Photo Credit: Mike Puma ViewsOfBuffalo, John Straubinger,
Developer, Christina Lincoln, John Straubinger
362 Broadway, Buffalo, NY 14204
- Google Bird's Eye View
- Ellicott Council District
- SBL: 111.48-4-19
- Erie County Property Info
- Next to: Pleskow Bros. Pharmacy
- Across from: 349 Broadway
H.E.L.P. Development Corporation
Physical Description
Three story brick Italianate Style commercial building with first floor retail, an original cast iron storefront, and a decorative cornice.
Current Condition
- Constructed between 1884 and 1888
- Likely built for Jacob Seitz, a grocer living with his family at this location, first in a wood frame building since 1868, and then in the current brick building into the 1890s. courtesy Monica Rzepka, Polish-Buffalo Historian and Genealogist
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- November 2013: Reports indicate the Preservation Board has granted permission to demolish all but the front 10 or 15 feet of the building, and incorporate the façade into the new structure.
- October 17, 2013 - "Denied without prejudice, for the applicant to come back to the board with a plan that incorporates the facade and as much of the building as possible."
- October 9, 2013 - Demolition request submitted to the Preservation Board:
- October 17, 2013 - Preservation Board response:
- November 14, 2013 - Preservation Board result:
- May 2016 - Plans had called for the facade to remain and be integrated into a new build behind it. The developer said it was in worse shape than expected and the building was completely demolished. "The new plan is to replicate the façade as closely as possible. The cast iron elements, stone bandings, and stone arches were all saved. Salvaged brick will be incorporated into the rebuild and the building was well documented before the demolition. Finials and a cornice will be put back up. " Buffalo Rising
Other Pertinent Facts
- Buffalo Rising, October 2013 - Apartment Project Planned for Corner of Broadway and Hickory
- Buffalo Rising, December 2014 -Two Building Save: Apartment Project Funding Approved
- Buffalo Rising, May 2016 - 362 and 368 Broadway Project Moves Forward with Changes
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Added 2013-10-15 • Last changed 2017-08-21