Lowe's State Theater / Century Theater
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Photos courtesy David Torke fixBuffalo, Cinema Treasures, Dale Rossi, Mark Paradowski
482 Washington Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
Covers area known as 480-498 Washington under a larger parcel now known as 513 Main Street, which had been known as 511 Main
Google Bird's Eye View
Ellicott Council District
SBL: 111.46-9-12
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
The back of the Mayer & Weill Building is visible in the first photo
Next to: 500 Washington Street
Across from: Tifft Block, 465 Washington Street, 468 Washington Street, and 11 East Mohawk Street
Allpro Parking LLC
511 MAIN ST CORP & ONE per propertyviewer
Dr. Joe Takets III, 716-868-0234
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
3,076-seat theater, first for movies and later for concerts
Current Condition
Demolished. Surface parking lot.
- Late 1800s/Early 1900s - Block of multi-story brick commercial buildings
- 1921 - Existing buildings were replaced by the Century Theater, run by Loews Theatres for movies. Its Main Street facade can be seen here
- 1928 - Loew turned over the lease to Micheal Shea
- 1934 - Michael Shea died and was succeeded by McFaul, Paramount and Loew
- 1939-1941 - Leased by Nikitas Dipson
- 1940s - Dipson's successor spent over $50,000 restoring it
- 1970s - Used as a rock concert venue by Harvey & Corky Productions
- 1984 - Demolished in the summer of 1984
Recent Events and Actions Taken
The unused stone lot at 513 Main, the site of the former theater entrance, is run by the All Pro Parking company, which also controls 480-500 Washington. They installed gates on either end of the vacant lot in 2012 where a mural had recently been painted on the side of Main (St)udios.
Other Pertinent Facts
2013 - Per Buffalo Urban Development Corp (BUDC) and Buffalo Niagara Enterprise (BNE), the lot property is available for sale through Dr. Joe Takets III, 716-868-0234
- Wikipedia - Century Theatre Buffalo
- Cinema Treasures - Century Theatre
- Buffalo Rising - 500 Block Needs Your Help
- Buffalo Urban Development Corporation Shovel Ready Sites
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Added 2013-05-02 • Last changed 2019-01-10