Queen City Engineering / Iron Works Building
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49 Illinois Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
Google Bird's Eye View
Fillmore Council District
SBL: 122.05-4-6
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Next to: 79 Perry Street and 45 Illinois Street
Roger Trettel
1876 BUEHL BLOCK, LLC per propertyviewer
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Also owns: Buehl Block Building and Stanford Building
Physical Description
Two story 8,888 sq.ft building
Current Condition
Renovated into a bar and concert space
- 1902-1965 - Queen City Engineering
- Phoenix Hardware Co.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- April 2008 - Purchased by Roger Trettel
- December 2009 - Renovation plans were approved by the Preservation Board. Tommaso Briatico is the renovation project architect.
- 2009 - A third floor addition, which would mimic an original element that was on the building, could be constructed pending tenant interest
- February 2013 - A two level music club plan was announced
- May 2013 - Late summer 2013 tentative opening announced
- February 2014 - Cobblestone Historic District, previously just a local designation, becomes certified and obtains access to state/national historic tax credits based on application completed by Preservation Studios for the owners of Iron Works: Sam Savarino, Roger Trettel, Ed Plata, and Dan Mania
Other Pertinent Facts
- Located in the Cobblestone Historic District
- Buffalo Rising April 2008 - Trettel Takes On Illinois
- Buffalo Rising February 2009 - Renovation Planned
- Buffalo Rising December 2009 - Cobblestone Renovation Plan Approved
- BizJournals February 2013 - Live Music Club Slated To Open
- Buffalo Business First May 2013 - Cobblestone Music Club Hits The Right Note
- Buffalo Business First May 2013 - Iron Works Chosen As Name
- Buffalo Rising May 2013 - The Iron Works Brings Life To Illinois Street
- Buffalo Rising Sept 2013 - Buffalo Iron Works forges ahead in Cobblestone District
- Views of Buffalo February 2014 - Cobblestone Historic District Officially Certified
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Added 2013-02-26 • Last changed 2015-10-15