Fraternal Order of Eagles / Buffalo Christian Center / Forbes Theatre
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512 Pearl Street, Buffalo, NY 14202
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Ellicott Council District
SBL: 111.30-6-14
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Next to: 496 Pearl Street, Fire House Chemical No. 3, The Bachelor
Across from: Henry Building, Saturn Rings Building
As of August 2014, Carl Paladino, Ellicott Development
BUFFALO CHRISTIAN CENTER INC (THE) per City of Buffalo Property Information
Physical Description
Four story, 66,624 sq.ft. building with a roller rink, gymnasium, classrooms, swimming pool and a theater The Buffalo News
Current Condition
In use but said to need a $5 million renovation The Buffalo News
- July 26, 1914 - The cornerstone of the building was laid by Mayor Fuhrmann. Buffalo History Gazette
1958 - YouthTime, an organization run by Alan Forbes, purchases the building for a variety of uses including a daily radio broadcast, and more recently, for serving at-risk youth. The Buffalo News / Buffalo Rising
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- August 2014 - Ellicott Development is poised to purchase the building for a mixed use renovation project
- November 2015 - Ellicott Development proposes plans for 12 story parking garage and hotel on the vacant surface parking lot adjacent to the Buffalo Christian Center Buffalo News
- December 2015 - Expansion plan calls for the demolition of an excellent neighboring building for a bland parking structure.
Other Pertinent Facts
- Buffalo News, August 2014 - Buffalo Christian Center set to be purchased by Paladino
- Buffalo Rising, August 2014 - Buffalo Christian Center Closing – Ellicott Development Planning Reuse
- Buffalo Rising, August 2015 - Rumor Watch: Hotel in Theater District? RFP Soon for Canalside? Main Street Sale? More.
- Buffalo News, November 2015 - Paladino plans 12-story hotel at Pearl and Tupper
- Buffalo Rising, December 2015 - Big Reveal: Buffalo Christian Center Mixed-User
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Added 2013-09-04 • Last changed 2017-12-01