666 Amherst Street
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Parcels of concern

Aerial View, click to enlarge

666 Amherst Street
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(:htmlend:)Photo credit: PRS
666 Amherst Street, Buffalo NY 14207
- Lat, Long: 42.940757, -78.879913
- SBL Number: 89.21-7-11
- Erie County Property Info
- Google Map
- Bing Bird's Eye View
- North Council District
- Labrador Building Systems Inc., c/o Voelker Bowling Inc, 686 Amherst Street, Buffalo NY 14207
- This building is owned by the same entity as this April 2021 demolition request: 666 Amherst Street, 668 Amherst Street, 680 Amherst Street (the bowling alley) & 1634 Elmwood Avenue. Other properties owned by Voelker's and also at risk are 141 Marion Street, 155 Marion Street and 1628 Elmwood Avenue.
Physical Description
- Two story frame dwelling house.
Current Condition
- Appears to be vacant.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- April 2021: One of a group of buildings at the northwest corner of Amherst and Elmwood, that the owner, Voelker's Bowling Inc., is asking to demolish.
Other Pertinent Facts
- From a real estate listing for the properties, referencing the map at the top right of this page: The site of this property has a city block of frontage starting at 666 Amherst and runs east up to the corner. 680 Amherst turns north on Elmwood to Marion ending at the dead-end of Marion. Marion encompasses the entire frontage on the south side of Marion to the dead end. This property is also included in a portfolio sale of ten separate parcels including the corner of Elmwood/Amherst and Marion Street Parcel as indicated in green. The portfolio consists of approximately 3.38 acres.
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Added 2021-04-11 • Last changed 2021-04-11