669 Genesee Street
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669 Genesee Street, Buffalo, NY 14211
SBL: 111.26-4-1
Ellicott Council District
Google Bird's Eye View
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Across from: 656 Genesee Street, 665 Genesee Street, and 558 Monroe Street
City of Buffalo per City of Buffalo Property Information
Physical Description
Three story concrete and brick building, with two additional brick buildings that occupied most of a city block
Current Condition
Demolished 2006. Vacant lot.
- Possibly used by National Fuel to service gas meters at some point
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- Apr. 1995 - City of Buffalo purchases building
- 2001 - City rented out the property to a series of tenants until 2001
- March 2005 - fixBuffalo: "The main and secondary building appear to be in good structural condition. The mechanics have been stripped...The city has ear-marked this property for demolition. The estimated demolition cost is pegged at $250K+"
- April 2005 - Mark Kubiniac contacted Jay Lynch, Office of Strategic Planning at City Hall.
- "Lynch had no idea that the building was open, that anyone was interested, nor what an asking price would be... Mr. Lynch did know that the building was "released" for demolition but had no idea of whether $ was earmarked for demo and when it might happen."
- "669 Genesee Street is not listed in the current catalog of city property for sale."
- "The Division of Real Estate secured first floor access points and placed a lock and chain on the front fence, the rear gate was still wide open."
- July 2005 - "Four months later the water is still running...gushing in the basement."
- May 2006 - "The water was still running in the basement. The window sashes are all gone and the basement windows are wide open and present a serious hazard to pedestrians. If this building were closer to Elmwood or North Buffalo it would be properly sealed. John Hannon, Director of Buffalo's Real Estate Division is in charge of maintaining and selling surplus City property such as this. No "FOR SALE" sign or website.I've placed this posts on Craig's List and attracted hundreds of hits from all over the northeast, Toronto and New York City. I've called Brian Davis's office, Ellicott Councilman and requested that it gets properly sealed. I gave it my best shot. I'm done." David Torke
- September 2006 - Demolished.
Other Pertinent Facts
- fixBuffalo March 2005 - Artists + Opportunity = Hope for Buffalo
- fixBuffalo April 2005 - City Property Still For Sale...10 Years Later...
- fixBuffalo April 2005 - A Little More 669 Genesee Street...
- fixBuffalo July 2005 - Inspecting "City of Buffalo" Property...
- fixBuffalo May 2006 - Remember 669 Genesee Street?
- fixBuffalo September 2006 - Going, Going, Gone...669 Genesee
- fixBuffalo September 2006 - And so it goes...
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Added 2014-02-17 • Last changed 2018-10-10