The Wurlitzer Store / Tent City
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674 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14202
Google Bird's Eye View
Ellicott Council District
SBL: 111.38-3-2
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Adjacent to: 672 Main Street and 678 Main Street
Across the street from 667 Main Street and 671 Main Street
Charles Kushner per Buffalo Rising
WASHINGTON SURPLUS CENTER INC per city property viewer
Search NYS Corporation Database for WASHINGTON SURPLUS CENTER
Physical Description
Ornate Neo-Classic or Beaux Arts five story, 25,000 sq.ft. steel and concrete commercial building
Current Condition
Mostly intact - missing parapet above cornice
- 1895 - Designed by Edward Kent
- Per Phil Queeno:
- A. E. Perron Company (1895) - 'a manufacturer of early automobiles, sleighs and harnesses' Buffalo Rising
- Poppenberg Motor Company (1905)
- Wurlitzer Company (1930s-1990s)
- Washington Surplus Center -Tent City (1997)
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- 2002 - 'Charles Kushner, owner since 1995, developed a love for architecture after a trip to Europe and decided to invest major funds for the restoration of the front facade of the building' Buffalo Rising
- April 2017 - For sale at $2.5 million, including a retail first floor (6,900 sq.ft.) with current tenant (Tent City), elevator service to 5 floors, upper floors good for high-end residential or office use, and a 20-car parking lot. Buffalo Rising
- April 2018 - Still for sale, for $2.5 million. Loopnet listing here.
Other Pertinent Facts
- Located in the Theater Historic Preservation District
- Buffalo Rising, April 2017 - On the Market: 674 Main Street
- Buffalo News, April 2018 - Tent City owner puts Main Street building back on market after failed sale attempt
- BuffaloAH - Historic Theatre District
- City of Buffalo Theater District Map
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Added 2013-08-29 • Last changed 2022-03-21