Dr. John Chase Lord Farmhouse
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(:htmlend:)Photo credit: David Torke, fixBuffalo, Ron Reinhardt
794 Potomac Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209
- City map shows this parcel as 794 Potomac Avenue; also known as 42-57 Inwood Place, as the parcel fronts both streets.
- SBL: 89.71-1-41
- Delaware Council District
- Google Bird's Eye View
- Erie County Property Info
- County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
- City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
- Arlene F. Spriesch, Dennis James Barry
Physical Description
- Farmhouse on Potomac; auto repair garage/commercial buildings on Inwood Place.
Current Condition
- Partially demolished. The smaller of two structures appears to remain, with a lot behind a fence where the taller portion once was.
- The farmhouse appears on the 1872 map of Buffalo as owned by Dr. J.C. Lord. John Chase Lord was a well-known lawyer and Presbyterian minister who supported the Fugitive Slave Act and sparked a national conversation regarding religion's role in slavery.
- The Federal Garage was run by Phil Beavers for many years. He specialized in old Cadillacs.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- December 9, 2015 - Architect Karl Frizlen has announced plans that all buildings will be demolished and a 24-unit apartment building built.
- Neighborhood residents have raised complaints about increased density, insufficient parking, and construction annoyances.
- January 20, 2016 - Architect Frizlen asks for variances at the Zoning board of Appeals meeting.
- Catherine Faust on Facebook: "The Inwood and Potomac residents of the EV had a significant victory today when the City Zoning Board voted to deny variances for a 26-condo development proposal by architect Karl Frizlen. Their concerns about the proposal included excessively high density; inadequate setback from neighboring properties; architectural incompatibility; and inadequate parking. These concerns are also valid for the 'stacked unit' apartment buildings that can be built in almost all residential side streets in the city under proposed Green Code so please be sure to attend the remaining GC meetings and speak out if these are your concerns."
- January 28, 2016 - '''The building is on the agenda of the special Preservation Board meeting.
- February 24, 2017 - City of Buffalo Preservation Board allows for demolition of garage, rejects demolition of house.
- March 9, 2017 - Preservation Board will meet to discuss recommending the Dr. John C. Lord Cottage for Local Landmark status.
- April 19, 2017 - The Buffalo Common Council approved local landmark status for the building.
Other Pertinent Facts
- Artvoice, 2016-01-04, Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You
- Artvoice, 2016-01-24, Frizlen Denied, A Report from the Zoning Board Meeting
- Buffalo News, 2017-02-24: “Potomac farmhouse demolition rejected”
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Added 2014-03-05 • Last changed 2018-12-20