John Esser House
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Photos: 2010 Arch. Hist. Survey, Susan Cholewa, Joseph Galvin
81 Amherst Street, Buffalo NY 14207
Google Bird's Eye View
North Council District
SBL: 88.41-5-2
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Adjacent to Saint John's United Church of Christ.
Victoria C. Armstrong
Physical Description
From Architectural History Survey: "2-story frame front-gabled vernacular Victorian house with Eastlake details. Although vinyl sided, building retains elaborate porch, pedimented window surrounds and bracketed eaves."
Current Condition
Demolished July 23, 2013.
- Built circa 1887 for John Esser
- The year he built his house, Esser was Erie County Treasurer, President of the Black Rock Business Men’s Association, a partner in the Banner Milling Company, and creator of the first development company in the area, the Black Rock Land Company. Esser Ave., Angus St., Roesch Ave., and Ullman St. in Riverside are named after him and his Land Co. investors. courtesy Fred Schrock
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- Some elements of the front porch and front facade were salvaged and installed at 461 Massachusetts Avenue.
- Damaged by fire July 14, 2013; Fire Department requested an emergency demolition.
Other Pertinent Facts
2013 - Porch repurposed on 461 Massachusetts Avenue
- Buffalo News article on the fire, July 15, 2013
- Article by Fred Schrock - historical background on the house
- Buffalo Rising, October 2013 - The Vision of Joe Galvin: The Phoenix Rising
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Added 2013-07-16 • Last changed 2014-12-11