Ardmore Place - Brick Pavement
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40 Ardmore Place, Buffalo NY 14213 (non-existent address in middle of block)
Google Bird's Eye View
Niagara Council District
City of Buffalo - Municipal right of way.
Physical Description
One-block-long east-west street on Buffalo's West Side. The rear of National Register listed Lafayette High School faces Ardmore Place. The first non-building entry on this list.
Current Condition
Recent Events and Actions Taken
During a routine repaving operation in July 2013, the original red brick pavement was uncovered. Residents of the street rallied to preserve this historic structure. The City Department of Public Works responded (quoting an Ardmore Place resident): "There are three options on the table: 1) to pave it over as planned, 2) to mill the road and leave it as is, 3) to restore the brickwork. These three options are dependent on further evaluation of the brick and cost analysis."
From the July 31, 2013 Buffalo News article: “What’s been exposed seems to be in good condition, but we want to expose more areas,” City Public Works Commissioner Steven J. Stepniak said late Tuesday afternoon. “We’re definitely very interested in the history of Buffalo,” he added. “This is a unique situation, so we’ll do our diligence to see how much restoration is needed and what it would cost.”
From the August 2, 2013 Buffalo Rising article: "Yesterday all of the blacktop was easily removed from the street. In the afternoon, Steve Stepniak once again visited our street with Mike Flynn – they both gave the bricks a thorough inspection. There was a bit of damage on each end of the street but no deal breakers. Stepniak then ordered a street cleaning and a high power flush to further inspect the bricks and assess the drainage outlook for the street. Stepniak also invited Buffalo Sewer Authority (BSA) upper level management to observe the storm drainage environment. After a thorough analysis of these factors Stepniak and the BSA were impressed with the outlook for restoring the street to brick. The BSA said that a brick Ardmore Place will put less burden on the already overburdened Buffalo combined sewer system by serving as a permeable surface. Tomorrow morning, crews will be installing temporary driveway bonnets until a final decision is made. Stepniak is optimistic that they will be able to “sell” the restoration to Mayor Brown and other City management."
From the August 8, 2013 WBFO article: "Public Works Commissioner Steve Stepniak says after assessing the situation, it was determined the brick could remain. 'The only thing we have to do here is touch up the ends, the radiuses, that we're going to do and adjust the driveways. There's no additional cost. Basically, the cost is a wash because of the asphalt that we're not putting down. So it was a win-win for everybody and I'm excited to be a part of it,' Stepniak says."
Other Pertinent Facts
- WBFO article August 8, 2013
- Buffalo Rising article August 2, 2013
- Buffalo News article July 31, 2013
- Buffalo Rising article July 30, 2013
- WIVB - Residents: Restore Brick-paved Street
- Buffalo Rising - An Update On Ardmore
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Added 2013-07-31 • Last changed 2015-02-23