Broadway Brewing Company
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Broadway Brewing and Malting Company
815 Broadway Street Buffalo, NY 14212
Parcel is now divided as 795 and 797 Broadway
Google Bird's Eye View
Fillmore Council District
SBL: 111.43-8-2
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
On the south side of Broadway between Shumway and Smith.
Across from: S. Coplon and Son
797 Broadway - ABDELLATIF TAHER per propertyviewer
Physical Description
- Multistory brewing and malting complex
- Constructed as a fireproof combination of brick, stone and iron.
Current Condition
Demolished, possibly in the 1960s (unconfirmed). Now a block-long empty lot with a small suburban-style building in the back corner.
- 1852 - Broadway Brewing Company established
- 1880 - Julius Binz becomes owner, remodels building, and adds malting company
Recent Events and Actions Taken
Other Pertinent Facts
- Described by The Buffalo News in 1908 as "both an architectural and industrial credit to the city."
- The refrigeration units had a capacity of "one hundred tons." Annual company output was given as "two to three hundred thousand bushels"
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Added 2013-04-03 • Last changed 2017-05-25