Buffalo Trunk Manufacturing / Evergreen
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125 Cherry Street Buffalo, NY 14204
Google Bird's Eye View
Ellicott Council District
SBL: 111.32-6-6
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
The Evergreen Foundation
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
Five story, eight bay, red brick, "L" shaped, flat roofed 67,700 sq.ft. industrial building. It is an example of "slow burn" masonry and wood factory construction.
Current Condition
- Constructed in two phases, 1901–1902 and 1906-1907. Design by architect Louis Saenger
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- August 2009 - Rocco Termini and John Olenick, President/CEO of ENrG, announced a plan to perform a $6.8 million restoration
- October 2010 - The previous restoration plan was not enacted, and it was put back on the market for $825,000
- July 2012 - Reportedly under contract and will be re-purposed according to Buffalo Rising
- August 7, 2013 - The Evergreen Foundation purchased the building from Buffalo Sonic Blinds for $750,000. Plans call for a renovation with historic preservation tax credits to produce mostly residential units
- February 2015 - The Federal Home Loan Bank of New York has awarded a $1,036,000 grant to The Evergreen Foundation for their 56-apartment renovation project
- 'Additional financing will be provided by the Homeless Housing and Assistance Corporation, New York State and Federal Historic Tax Credits, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, the New York State Housing Finance Agency and Homes for Working Families.' Buffalo Rising
Other Pertinent Facts
- It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2010
- Wikipedia - Buffalo Trunk Manufacturing Company Building
- Evergreen Foundation homepage
- Buffalo Rising, February 2006 - Redevelopment Opportunity
- Buffalo Rising, August 2009 - Cherry Street Project
- Buffalo Rising, October 2010 - Back on the Market
- Buffalo Rising, August 2013 - Prominent Cherry Street Warehouse Sells, Rehab Planned
- Buffalo Rising, February 2015 - Evergreen Lofts Project and University District Housing Rehab Program Receive Funding
- Buffalo Rising, September 2015 - Work at Evergreen Lofts is Underway – Now on to Genesee Street…
- [[http://www.buffalorising.com/2016/05/construction-watch-evergreen-lofts/ | Buffalo Rising, May 2016 - Construction Watch: Evergreen Lofts
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Added 2013-01-15 • Last changed 2018-03-23