Elmwood/Potomac Buildings
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Elmwood/Potomac Buildings. Click for larger image.

587 Potomac Avenue (click for larger image)

Massing drawing

Purchased Properties

click for larger image
Photo credit: Catherine Faust, Sunday Skate Shop, Ciminelli
- A complex of ca. 1900 mixed-use buildings on Elmwood Avenue between Potomac and Bidwell Parkway, fronting Bidwell, Elmwood and Potomac.
- Delaware Council District
- SBL Number: 89.69-4-18
- Erie County Property Info for 587 Potomac.
- Google Bird's Eye View
- County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
- City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
- Includes 976 Elmwood Avenue, 982 Elmwood Avenue and 587 Potomac Avenue.
- All parcel addresses included in sale - Elmwood: 976, 982, 1006, 1010, 1020, 1024, 1028; Potomac: 583, 584, 586; Ashland: 721.
- Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation
Physical Description
- A complex of contiguous and adjacent 2 and 2½-story commercial brick buildings, front commercial additions and wood-frame houses.
Current Condition
- Actively used for commercial and residential purposes.
- Built ca. 1900; designed by Ulysses G. Orr and John Coxhead.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- April 2016: According to Delaware District Councilman Joel Feroleto, Ciminelli will be doing a presentation on the proposed development at the next meeting of the Delaware Park Neighborhood Association. Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2016. Time: 7pm Place: Buffalo Seminary, 205 Bidwell Parkway.
- Rumored to be demolished in the near future for a proposed development project involving the buildings and parcels on and near Elmwood between Potomac and Bidwell Parkway.
- October 2016: Ciminelli Real Estate Corporation has announced it has completed the purchase of 11 parcels located along Bidwell Parkway, Elmwood, Potomac and Ashland Avenues for a cost of $7.9 million. (Buffalo Rising)
- Public Information Session, November 9, 2016 - "Ciminelli also said it plans to host a public information session on Wednesday, Nov. 9, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, at 875 Elmwood. Representatives of the developer, HHL Architects and other project partners will present more details about their plans for the properties that Ciminelli acquired from Donald and Lori Leone. Officials hope to obtain "substantial public feedback" through comment cards, a project website, interactive display booths, a presentation and one-on-one conversation." Buffalo News
- Ciminelli has applied for demolition of 721 Ashland Ave., 1006, 1010, 1020, 1024, and 1028 Elmwood Ave. and 583 and 584 Potomac Ave. and partially demolish sections of 976 and 982 Elmwood Ave. All buildings are contributing resources to the Elmwood Historic District (National Register of Historic Places), with the exception of 1024 and 1028 Elmwood Ave., which are non-contributing.
- The Preservation Board will consider this request at their meeting on Thursday January 12, 3pm at Room 901 City Hall.
- Decision of the Preservation Board was tabled for two weeks at their January 12 meeting.
- A public hearing will occur at 6pm on February 2, 2017, in the Lafayette High School Auditorium, Lafayette Avenue and Baynes Street.
- The hearing will address Ciminelli Development's application to demolish the buildings.
- January 26, 2017: Ciminelli has announced it will postpone work on the part of the project south of Potomac and will concentrate on the part north of Potomac. Buffalo News story.
- October 2017: Per Jesse Smith on Facebook, quoting from Buffalo Business First: Ciminelli has "dropped three properties from the project: 584 and 588 Potomac, and 721 Ashland".
Other Pertinent Facts
- Buffalo Rising, October 3, 2016 - Big Deal: Ciminelli Purchases Elmwood/Bidwell Properties
- Buffalo News, 10-27-2016: Ciminelli to restore former Sunday Skateshop building as part of bigger project
- Buffalo News, January 26, 2017 - Ciminelli withdraws Bidwell portion of Elmwood project
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Added 2015-12-30 • Last changed 2017-10-21