F.N. Burt Building
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500 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14204
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Fillmore Council District
SBL: 111.81-7-1
Erie County Property Info
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City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Across from: 503 Seneca Street , A&P Tea Warehouse, and A&P Bakery
Savarino Companies and FFZ Holdings
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
400,000 sq. ft. six-story warehouse complex. Original building was timber framed, later addition reinforced concrete.
Current Condition
Renovated into a mix of offices and cultural and business incubator space
- 1896 - F. N. Burt first begain producing boxes.
- 1901 - Its first building at the current location was built; a five-story, timber-framed portion of the building at the corner of Seneca and Hamburg streets. It was designed by the architectural firm of Niederpruem, Gibbs & Schaaf.
- 1903 - Two additional wings were added.
- 1909 - Company purchased by the Toronto-based office supplies company Moore Corporation but retained the F.N. Burt brand name.
- 1910 and 1916 - Additions constucted.
- 1926 - The biggest factory expansion occured, when much of the reinforced concrete building was constructed. That part was designed by architectural and engineering Plumer and Mann. Plumer and Mann also designed Trico Plant #1.
- 1959 - The plant was shuttered when the company moved to Cheektowaga, but one subsidiary of the company (Burt Rigid Box) continues to this day.
- The building was later occupied by New Era Cap Co. until 2004.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- March 2010 - Sam Savarino purchased the structure from New Era Cap Co. for $200,000
- December 2013 - The Erie County Industrial Development Agency will hold a public hearing for the proposed $35 million project. The project will be the subject of an ECIDA policy committee review on Jan. 13 and a full vote by the agency’s board of directors on Jan. 29, 2014.
- April 2014 - Plans call for 55 apartments to be included in the renovation plan
Other Pertinent Facts
- F.N. Burt was the largest manufacturer of small paper boxes in the world, at upwards of four million boxes a day.
- Located within Buffalo's oldest manufacturing district, the Hydraulics Neighborhood.
- Sept 2009 - Nomination for State and Local Register of Historic Places submitted for Hydraulics on a Multiple Property Documentation Form, laying the groundwork for property owners to designate other buildings in the neighborhood as historic.
- Hydraulics Press - FN Burt, Worlds Largest Box Manufacturer
- NYS Parks - FN Burt Nomination
- BuffaloAH - State and National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form - HYDRAULICS/LARKIN NEIGHBORHOOD
- Buffalo Rising, March 2010 - Restoration Planned for Larkin District Warehouse
- Buffalo Rising, October 2012 - 500 Seneca Street History
- Buffalo Rising, October 2012 - F.N. Burt Project will help bridge Larkin Distict and Downtown
- Buffalo Business First, December 2013 - Hearing date could be determined this week for 500 Seneca
- Buffalo News, December 2013 - Developers seek tax breaks to transform former factory at 500 Seneca St.
- Buffalo Rising, December 2013 - Work at 500 Seneca Street Project Ready to Kick Into High Gear
- Buffalo Rising, February 2014 - Construction Watch: New Windows Appear on 500 Seneca
- Buffalo Rising, April 2014 - Box Factory Lofts Bringing 55 Apartments to Larkin District
- Buffalo Rising, August 2014 - More Apartments Plus Distillery for 500 Seneca Street
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Added 2013-01-09 • Last changed 2018-03-27