Genesee Gateway Complex
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109 Genesee Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Google Bird's Eye View
Ellicott Council District
SBL: 111.46-5-6
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Next to: Oak School Lofts, Denzinger-Sigwalt Building, and Caulkins Building
Across from: 110 Genesee Street, 112 Genesee Street, Scherer & Sons Furniture, Independent Beauty Shoppe, Beer Stube Restaurant
City View Properties Incorporated.
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
Series of eight 19th century buildings. The H. Seeberg, Baldwin, Giesser, Schwinn-Mandel, Werner, Caulkins, and Denzinger-Sigwalt buildings.
Current Condition
Restored row of six buildings with 60,000 sq.ft. of commercial storefronts and office space. Two buildings at the end of the complex were lost.
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- 2011 - $10.7 million restoration and renovation project. Flynn Battaglia Architects, project architect
- Nov 2013 - 3 apartments added to second floor, previously reserved for office space
- August 2014 - Two restaurants — Marco’s Deli and Natalie’s — are due to open by late summer or early fall.
Other Pertinent Facts
- Genesee Gateway Homepage
- NYS Parks - Preservation Works in NYS - Genesee Gateway
- Staff Announcer 1980s photo of Seeberg Clothing
- Staff Announcer 1980s photo of two lost buildings on the end
- Buffalo Rising - Great Space Genesee Gateway
- Buffalo Rising, August 2009 - Construction Update
- Buffalo Rising, December 2010 - Moving Forward at the Genesee Gateway
- Buffalo Rising, January 2011 - History of the Genesee Block: The Schwinn-Mandel Building
- Buffalo Rising, February 2011- History of the Genesee Block: The Werner Building
- Buffalo Rising, February 2011 - Lost Genesee Block: The Caulkins Building
- Buffalo Rising, February 2011 - Lost Genesee Block: The Denzinger-Sigwalt Building
- Buffalo Rising, November 2013 - Genesee Gateway Adds Three Apartments
- Buffalo Business First, July 2014 - Plenty of new restaurants slated to open in downtown Buffalo
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Added 2013-01-08 • Last changed 2016-10-28