J.N. Adam Memorial Hospital (Perrysburg)


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J.N. Adam Memorial Hospital (Perrysburg)
J.N. Adam Memorial Hospital (Perrysburg)


Photo credit: Asylum Projects, Cattaraugus County, SHPO

Fair View Drive and County Road 58, Perrysburg


  • State of New York, per Cattaraugus County property services
  • It’s possible it’s owned by the City of Buffalo and leased to the state.

Physical Description

  • Former tuberculosis hospital. Described as “A municipal hospital of 500 beds devoted to the various stages of tuberculosis”.
  • Multi-building campus, centered on a connected complex consisting of a central administration building, four patient wards in two wings and a dining hall. The large property also contained numerous outbuildings and infrastructure.
  • Neo-Classical style similar to buildings at Buffalo's Pan-American Exposition.
  • Red brick with hipped red tile roofs.
  • Extensive large porches for therapeutic outdoor sleeping, tall columns in the Doric style.
  • Noted for a stained glass dome above the dining hall: “[the dome] contains 16 tapered segments, each containing 40 blocks of translucent white and pale gold glass. The segments meet in a large circular center glass panel, which contains the design of a Star of David surrounded by semicircles, with a flower in its center. The edge of the dome is done in angular Celtic-style knotwork.” Buffalo News, October 2016. Despite the prevalence of a legend, there's no evidence this dome came from the Temple of Music or any other building at the Pan-American Exposition.

Current Condition

  • Vacant.


  • In 1909, wealthy department store operator and Buffalo Mayor James Noble Adam decided to build a hospital dedicated to the treatment of tuberculosis. He paid for the land with his own money and commissioned architect John Hopper Coxhead to design the buildings. The hospital complex was built on a hilltop surrounded by 500 acres of forest. The hospital was owned and operated by the City of Buffalo.
  • The buildings were completed in 1912.
  • The hospital was dedicated to the treatment of tuberculosis until 1960 and then was turned over to the State of New York for use as a developmental disability center. By 1995, the institutional treatment of such disabilities had ended and the complex was abandoned.
  • Derived from Asylum Projects website

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Added 2017-02-23 • Last changed 2017-02-26