Larkin Administration Building
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All that remains of the building, the brick pier seen in the second photo.

Desperate Sale Attempt, 1940s (click to enlarge)

Photo credit: (current photo) emu5088 on flickr, (demo) D Raphael Failla
Color photos by flickr user Hooked On The Past, CC License BY-NC-SA-2.0-
680 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Google Bird's Eye View
Fillmore Council District
SBL: 111.82-8-3
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Across from: Larkin Center of Commerce Building
SENECA LARKIN 701 LLC per propertyviewer
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database
Physical Description
- Five story red brick office building.
Current Condition
Vacant lot/parking lot. All that remains of the building is a brick pier just off Swan Street.
- Perhaps the most famous Lost Building in Buffalo's history.
- Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright to house administrative staff functions of the Larkin Soap Company.
- Built in 1906.
- Demolished 1949 by Morris and Reimann for The Western Trading Corporation. Jerome Puma: "The demo project lasted from February through June 1949. The demo company eventually went bankrupt because of the job".
- Wikipedia - Larkin Administration Building
- John D. Larkin page at BuffaloAH
- BuffaloAH - The Larkin Building: History of the Demolition
- Buffalo History Gazette - A 'Wright' of Passage
- BuffaloAH - State and National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form - HYDRAULICS/LARKIN NEIGHBORHOOD
- Hi-res photo set in color of Larkin Admin Building, on flickr
- A Brief History of The Larkin Company
- Hi Res image of postcard showing the Larking Complex
- A Larkin page
- Buffalo Rising, May 2015 - Marking the Scene of the Crime
- Buffalo Rising, November 2015 - The Larkin Administration Building: A Model is Completed
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Added 2013-01-08 • Last changed 2016-10-05