Phoenix Brewery
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835 Washington Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
Google Bird's Eye View
Ellicott Council District
SBL: 111.23-8-4
Erie County Property Info
County Tax Map (loads GIS page)
City of Buffalo Parcel Viewer
Adjacent to: Trico Plant #1 and Ulrich's Tavern
Across from: 821 Main Street
Nick Sinatra as of April 2014
VIRGINIA WASHINGTON INC per propertyviewer
NYS Corporation and Business Entity Database.
Physical Description
49,700 sq.ft. multi-story brick brewing complex
Current Condition
The tallest portion of the building, along with an outlying stable building, have both been demolished. A significant portion remains and has been renovated into apartments.
- Constructed in 1887 as a replacement to the Ziegele Brewery, destroyed by a fire at their Main and Virginia location. Designed by Otto Wolf.
- Home of Phoenix Brewery
- Tallest portion of the brewery demolished, other sections remain
- Later used by a gym, skate park, antiques dealer, and Lay-Z-Boy Furniture warehouse
Recent Events and Actions Taken
- April 2014 - Developer Nick Sinatra purchasing the building from antiques dealer Joseph Parlato for $1.78 million. Plans call for a $3.5-5 million renovation into 35 to 40 high-end, market-rate apartments, along with retaining some existing tenants.
- July 2014 - 'Daniel Lewis, founder of Orange Capital LLC, will join Sinatra and Matt Connors, VP of real estate for Sinatra and Company Realty, as owners. The partners have now agreed, in writing, to contribute 10 percent of their monthly profits to Say Yes Buffalo, the educational initiative that pays to send Buffalo high school students for a college education.' The Buffalo News
April 2015 - 'The residential-based development is on the short listed finalists for this year’s allocation under the Buffalo Building ReUse Program. The final determination will be made later this spring.' James Fink, Business First
- May 2015 - 'Under the Building ReUse Project proposal, Sinatra & Co. Realty would get $750,000 in gap financing to support its rehabilitation of the vacant warehouse space into 31 market-rate loft-style apartments as part of a $7.67 million project.' Buffalo News
- August 2015 - Exterior brickwork is power-washed to reveal amazing original brick condition
Other Pertinent Facts
- Noted for its electrically powered bottling process
- Was producing 100,000 barrels of beer per year in 1908
- Archive - History of Buffalo 1908 - Phoenix Brewery
- BuffaloAH - Edifices of Buffalo Breweries
- Buffalo Rising March 2014 - Rumor Watch: Developer Eyes Phoenix Brewing Building
- Buffalo News April 2014 - Sinatra buys Buffalo medical campus warehouse, plans apartments
- Buffalo News, July 2014 - Developers pledge 10% of profits from luxury apartments to Say Yes
- Buffalo News, December 11, 2014 - Work starts next week on Phoenix Brewery luxury apartments
- Business First, April 2015 - Three Buffalo re-use projects considered for grants
- Buffalo News, May 2015 - Three downtown Buffalo apartment projects seek gap financing
- Buffalo Rising, August 2015 - Phoenix gets Spiffed Up
- WBFO, July 2016 - ECIDA adaptive reuse program brings remnants of Buffalo’s past back to life
- Buffalo Rising, April 2017 - Phoenix Brewery Apartments Wins Preservation Award
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Added 2013-04-03 • Last changed 2018-02-21